UT Dallas’ SACSCOC Project

2007 SACSCOC Committee for Institutional Effectiveness

It was entirely possible that the IE Committee had the most difficult job of any group within the SACSCOC team. This committee had to determine the degree to which UT Dallas was actually effective in its work and to which UT Dallas displayed institutional integrity. The difficulty in such a determination was in defining the standards, in identifying how our measures of effectiveness related to achievement and to performance.

Led by Executive Director Lawrence Redlinger, this committee reviewed program assessment plans as well as program mission statements to determine the degree to which all campus programs and departments had aligned their missions with the University's mission statement. (See UT Dallas's Strategic Plan)

Committee for Institutional Effectiveness Members

Dr. Lawrence Redlinger Chair
Dr. Gopal Gupta Vice Chair
Dr. Ron Briggs Economic, Political and Policy Sciences
Dr. Kamran Kiasaleh Engineering & Computer Sciences